On Sunday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah criticized the Trinamool Congress (TMC) government in West Bengal. He claimed that the TMC is involved in "state-sponsored infiltration" and corruption. Shah highlighted recent incidents, such as attacks on women in Sandeshkhali and the tragic case of a doctor at RG Kar Hospital, as proof that women are "not safe" in the state.
During his visit, Shah launched the BJP's membership drive in West Bengal, aiming to enroll one crore members from the state. He stressed the need to work hard to ensure that the BJP wins a two-thirds majority in the 2026 state elections.
"We must form the next government in Bengal with a two-thirds majority," he said. Shah reminded party members not to underestimate their impact in the state, adding, "Mamata didi should not think that we are just sitting quietly because we won only a few seats."
The Bengal BJP aimed to win more than 30 Lok Sabha seats but secured only 12, six fewer than in the 2019 elections. West Bengal has a total of 42 Lok Sabha seats.
Concerned about women's safety, Shah pointed to recent incidents in Sandeshkhali and RG Kar Medical College, saying, "Our mothers and sisters are not safe in Bengal." He called for immediate action to ensure women's safety.
This visit was Shah's first to Bengal since the Lok Sabha elections in April-May and after the RG Kar incident, where a woman doctor was allegedly raped and murdered, sparking nationwide protests.
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