As Delhi’s air quality continues to worsen, the city's Environment Minister, Gopal Rai, has taken action. On Tuesday, he sent letters to the transport ministers of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan, asking them to stop diesel buses from entering Delhi. This comes after the second stage of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) was activated to combat rising pollution levels.
With air pollution reaching dangerous levels, Rai announced several new measures, including increasing water sprinkling on roads to reduce dust, using special dust control chemicals, and deploying more traffic officers to reduce jams, which contribute to pollution.
The Problem: Diesel Bus Emissions
In his letters, Rai explained that one of the biggest causes of air pollution in Delhi is the large number of diesel buses that come from nearby states. These buses release harmful emissions, which add to Delhi's already bad air quality and put residents' health at risk.
He pointed out that diesel emissions are well-known for their negative impact on the environment, and with so many buses coming into Delhi daily, the pollution problem is only getting worse.
The Solution: Stricter Regulations or Cleaner Buses
Rai urged the states to take strong action by either banning diesel buses from entering Delhi or enforcing stricter rules to control their emissions. He also suggested working together to find better solutions, like switching to CNG (compressed natural gas) or electric buses for interstate travel.
The minister stressed that proactive steps like these are necessary to fight pollution and make the air cleaner for everyone.
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