Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s comments about the Ayushman Bharat health insurance scheme, accusing him of “playing politics” over public health. PM Modi’s remarks came during a recent event where he called out the Delhi and West Bengal governments for not implementing Ayushman Bharat, suggesting that this decision cost elderly citizens in these regions a chance at better healthcare.
In a response on social media, Kejriwal defended Delhi’s health model, arguing that it should be adopted nationwide for genuine public benefit. “PM, speaking wrongly about public health and turning it into politics is not right,” Kejriwal posted in Hindi on X. He also questioned the effectiveness of Ayushman Bharat, sharing that he has yet to meet a person who has received treatment through the scheme.
Kejriwal explained that in Delhi, every citizen gets free healthcare, with the government covering all medical expenses—from a simple ₹5 pill to treatments costing up to ₹1 crore. He offered to share a list of beneficiaries who have benefited from Delhi’s free healthcare services.
Delhi’s Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj also voiced criticism, stating that the Ayushman Bharat scheme has fallen short. “Ayushman Bharat has proven ineffective, as poor patients from UP, Haryana, and Rajasthan still come to Delhi for free treatment and surgeries,” Bharadwaj said, highlighting that Delhi’s healthcare is free, unlike many states under BJP rule.
AAP leader Sanjay Singh further criticized the scheme, labeling it “impractical.” He argued that many common people are ineligible for Ayushman Bharat simply because they own basic items like a motorcycle or refrigerator, or if they have an income above ₹10,000, making it hard for ordinary citizens to qualify for support.
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