Ahead of the festival season, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has urged the police to increase security, claiming there is a plot to incite unrest during upcoming celebrations like Diwali, Kali Puja, and Chhath Puja. Banerjee, who leads the Trinamool Congress, spoke to top officials about her concerns over potential threats and instructed the police to be vigilant and proactive.
Increased Security During Festivals
Mamata Banerjee has specifically asked the Special Task Force (STF) to step up intelligence operations. "Kali Puja is around the corner," she said. "Police and STF must work together to make sure no explosions or violence occur. We must prevent anyone from creating riots or spreading tension," she added, underlining the importance of keeping peace during these celebrations.
An Appeal to the Media
The Chief Minister also asked the media not to exaggerate reports, as this can create fear among people. "I don’t want communal tension in Bengal. The police will act firmly against anyone causing trouble, but I also ask the media not to alarm the public," she said, calling for responsible reporting to avoid unnecessary panic.
Cyclone Dana’s Impact on West Bengal
This comes as West Bengal recovers from Cyclone Dana, which hit the region recently, affecting districts across the state. After the storm cleared, Banerjee held a meeting at the state secretariat, where she confirmed one death related to the cyclone. "Only one person died in this natural disaster. He lost his life in Patharpratima block in South 24 Parganas while working on cables at his home," Banerjee said. Over 2.16 lakh people were evacuated to safety from vulnerable areas.
Relief Efforts Underway
Following the cyclone, all major transport services resumed quickly, and officials are working to clear disruptions. The Chief Minister has directed that relief supplies be provided to those impacted by the storm and assured help for the family affected by the tragic loss in South 24 Parganas.
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