Independent MP Pappu Yadav, whose real name is Rajesh Ranjan, has reached out to the central government, requesting an upgrade in his security from 'Y' to 'Z' category. Yadav said he’s been threatened with death by the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, a notorious criminal group.
In his letter to the Ministry of Home Affairs, the six-time MP shared a recording of a phone call in which the caller, allegedly from the Bishnoi gang, warns Yadav to "watch his words" after Yadav’s recent comments against the gang. The caller reportedly told Yadav’s assistant that Yadav’s actions and statements could lead to serious consequences.
Earlier, Yadav had openly challenged Bishnoi, saying, "If allowed, I could dismantle Lawrence Bishnoi’s criminal network within 24 hours." This statement followed the gang’s alleged involvement in the killing of NCP leader Baba Siddiqui.
Sources say the caller also warned Yadav to stay away from the Salman Khan case. He claimed the gang had tracked Yadav's movements and that Bishnoi was attempting to reach Yadav even from inside Sabarmati Jail, where his calls are reportedly being placed using jamming techniques. Bishnoi is said to be paying Rs 1 lakh per hour to make these calls, according to a report from TOI.
The threatening call, traced to a UAE number, has raised Yadav's concerns for his safety. In his letter, he urgently requested enhanced security and police escorts at all his public events, fearing for his life. "If these measures aren’t in place, I could be in serious danger," he wrote.
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