With the IPL mega auction just around the corner, all eyes are on MS Dhoni and whether he will return to play for Chennai Super Kings (CSK) next season. At 43, Dhoni still hasn’t confirmed if he’ll play, leaving fans and the CSK team anxiously waiting for his final decision. Dhoni, who retired from international cricket in 2020, remains a cricket legend, especially in the IPL, where he has led CSK to five championship titles — tying with Mumbai Indians for the most titles.
The Waiting Game
According to reports from Sports Tak, Dhoni has told CSK officials that he won’t be available to discuss his future until October 28. CSK will finally meet him on October 29 or 30, just before the October 31 deadline for IPL teams to submit their retained players list. Everyone is eager to know if Dhoni will stay with CSK for another season or if this might be the end of an era.
A New Rule for Dhoni?
Thanks to a recently reintroduced IPL rule, Dhoni could be retained by CSK as an "uncapped player." This rule allows players who have retired from international cricket for five years or more to be considered uncapped, giving CSK more flexibility in retaining their legendary captain.
Dhoni’s 2024 IPL Season
Even though Dhoni retired from international cricket, his impact in the IPL remains huge. In IPL 2024, Dhoni stepped down as captain just before CSK’s first match against Royal Challengers Bengaluru, handing over the captaincy to Ruturaj Gaikwad. But he still played an essential role, guiding the team with his experience and calm leadership.
In 2024, Dhoni played 14 matches, scoring 161 runs with a top score of 37 not out. He also hit 13 sixes and 14 fours, ending the season with an impressive batting average of 73. Despite his efforts, CSK finished 5th, narrowly missing out on the playoffs.
What’s Next for CSK?
The IPL mega auction is expected to take place in Riyadh on November 24 or 25, and Dhoni’s decision will have a big impact on CSK’s plans for the auction. Whether Dhoni chooses to return for another season or steps away from playing, his decision will shape CSK’s retention strategy and team setup for the future.
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