Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday criticized the Delhi and West Bengal governments for not implementing the Ayushman Bharat health insurance scheme, which he says prevents senior citizens in these regions from accessing essential healthcare.
While announcing new healthcare projects and extending Ayushman Bharat benefits to all citizens aged 70 and above, Modi expressed regret that the elderly in Delhi and Bengal are unable to benefit. “I apologize to the elderly over 70 years in Delhi and Bengal. Despite my best efforts, political differences prevent me from helping you,” he said.
The PM directly blamed the AAP-led Delhi and TMC-led West Bengal governments for denying this scheme to their residents. “It’s sad when politics stops people from receiving healthcare. We’ve reached 4 crore poor people across India with Ayushman Bharat’s ₹5 lakh coverage,” Modi said, explaining the government’s goal of easing the burden of healthcare expenses on families.
The Ayushman Bharat scheme was launched in 2018 to provide each eligible family with health insurance coverage of ₹5 lakh. However, the Delhi and West Bengal governments declined participation. West Bengal’s CM Mamata Banerjee withdrew in 2019, citing the Centre's credit-sharing and a 40% cost burden on states. Delhi’s government also opted out, stating the scheme wouldn’t adequately cover enough citizens and preferring its own healthcare model instead.
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