The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) recently held its annual meeting, the Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (ABKM), on October 25-26, 2024, in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh. This meeting happens every October or November and serves as a halfway review of the group's yearly plan, which is first set in another major meeting called the Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha (ABPS) in March or April.
This year’s ABKM was special, as it was the first major gathering since the RSS entered its 100th year on October 12. During the meeting, RSS leaders, including Sarsanghchalak (head) Mohan Bhagwat, discussed plans to grow their organization and ideas for improving society, despite growing criticism from opposition parties.
Expanding the RSS Network
The ABKM meeting focused on expanding the RSS’s presence across India. Currently, the RSS runs 72,354 daily shakhas (gatherings) in 45,411 places, adding 6,645 new shakhas and reaching 3,626 new locations in the last year. There are also 29,369 places where weekly shakhas happen, with 3,147 new locations added this year. Where shakhas aren’t held regularly, RSS volunteers organize monthly meetings called ‘Sangh Mandali,’ now in 11,382 places with 750 new ones this year. In total, the RSS now operates in 113,105 locations and plans to expand even more by the time of the next ABPS meeting in Bengaluru.
The ‘Panch Parivartan’ Program: Five Key Focus Areas
For its 100th year, the RSS has introduced ‘Panch Parivartan,’ or five areas of transformation. These include:
- Social Harmony - Promoting unity among different communities.
- Family Enlightenment - Focusing on family values and togetherness.
- Environment - Encouraging eco-friendly practices.
- Lifestyle Based on Self-Reliance - Supporting simple, self-reliant living.
- Civic Duty - Building a sense of responsibility toward society.
‘Sangh for Seva’: Helping in Times of Need
In its centenary year, the RSS has emphasized "Sangh for Seva," or "Service to Society." The RSS has always been active in relief work during natural disasters. Over the past year, RSS volunteers provided food, shelter, and care during floods in places like West Bengal and Odisha and helped communities after landslides in Wayanad and floods in Vadodara, Jamnagar, and Dwarka. RSS volunteers even performed last rites for around 600 deceased individuals from various communities, respecting each person’s religious customs.
Supporting Hindus in Bangladesh
Amid recent attacks on Hindu communities in Bangladesh, RSS leader Dattatreya Hosabale urged Bangladeshi Hindus not to leave their homeland, emphasizing that they have a rightful place there. He expressed that Hindus worldwide view India as a natural place of support and strength, especially in times of crisis.
With these initiatives, the RSS aims to strengthen its community efforts and social impact as it enters its centenary year.
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