In an unusual move, Udhayanidhi Stalin, the Tamil Nadu Deputy Chief Minister and DMK leader, has sent Diwali greetings to everyone who celebrates the festival. This gesture is surprising because the DMK party has traditionally not wished people on Hindu festivals, including Diwali and Vinayaka Chaturthi, due to their rationalist beliefs.
During a party event on Saturday, while celebrating the DMK’s 75th anniversary, Udhayanidhi said, “I extend my greetings for our platinum jubilee and wish a happy ‘Deepa oli thirunaal’ to those who have faith and celebrate.” The term “Deepa oli thirunaal” means “The Day of the Light of the Lamp.”
In northern India, Diwali celebrates the return of Lord Rama and Sita to Ayodhya, while in the south, it marks Lord Krishna's victory over the demon king Narakasura.
The BJP took the opportunity to criticize Udhayanidhi’s comments. TN BJP leader Narayanan Thirupathi sarcastically responded on social media, saying, “For those who don’t believe, greetings to live like Narakasura.”
Additionally, Udhayanidhi expressed his dislike for the word “Dravidam” and accused Tamil Nadu Governor R N Ravi of wanting to erase it from history. He asserted, “Nobody can take away Dravidam. Tamil Nadu will always be Tamil Nadu. As long as the DMK workers and our black and red flag are here, no one can harm Tamil Nadu or Dravidam.”
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