Ajay Devgn, a well-known Bollywood star famous for his tough-guy roles, recently shared his thoughts on the current state of male actors in the film industry. During an interview on The Ranveer Show, the 55-year-old actor pointed out that Bollywood today seems more filled with "boys" rather than strong "men." He mentioned that past stars like Jackie Shroff, Sunny Deol, and Amitabh Bachchan had a powerful presence that made them special.
Ajay said, "These days, you don’t see a real dominant male figure. Most actors seem more like boys. In the past and even in my time, actors like Jackie Shroff and Amitabh Bachchan were true men." He explained that just having a muscular body doesn’t make someone a "man." It's about having a certain attitude and way of living. He recalled how audiences would cheer when Akshay Kumar fought off ten people or when Sunny Deol dramatically pulled out a hand pump. "We believed they could do it," Ajay noted, adding that today's audiences don’t feel the same about current actors.
The Singham Again star also talked about how changing ways of raising boys have affected male figures in society. "You can’t just become a man by getting fit. It’s about your mindset and approach to life, which seems to be missing these days," he added. In his latest film, Singham Again, which is directed by Rohit Shetty, Ajay returns as the famous cop Bajirao Singham. The movie also features stars like Akshay Kumar, Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Tiger Shroff, and a special appearance by Salman Khan. It's exciting to note that the film has done incredibly well at the box office, earning over Rs 200 crore within just two weekends.
Sources: Internet Sources & Twitter X
Website: trendingnewsindia.xyz
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