Four sanitation workers, including two women from Tamil Nadu, tragically lost their lives after being struck by the Thiruvananthapuram-bound Kerala Express on Saturday afternoon near Shoranur Railway Station in Kerala, authorities reported.
The New Delhi-Thiruvananthapuram train hit the workers around 3:05 pm as they were clearing trash along the railway tracks near Shoranur bridge, just a few kilometers from the station. The workers, contracted by Indian Railways for track maintenance, were thrown from the tracks by the strong impact.
Three of the bodies were quickly retrieved, but the fourth is feared to have fallen into the nearby Bharathapuzha River. Rescue efforts are underway to locate the missing worker, officials said.
A Railway Police team arrived at the site shortly after the accident. “It appears the workers didn’t notice the oncoming train, which led to this unfortunate incident,” a Shoranur Railway Police officer stated. An investigation is ongoing to confirm the details surrounding the tragic accident.
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