A day after a heated controversy in Himachal Pradesh about a CID investigation over “samosas,” Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu cleared the air. On Friday, he explained that the probe was not about snacks, but rather about the “misbehavior” of certain officials.
Sukhu said, “The media blew up the issue as if the CID probe was just about samosas. But the real investigation is about misconduct by officials.” He added that the BJP’s criticism of him over this issue was “childish,” saying they were trying to damage his government’s image since Congress came to power.
Here’s what actually happened: During a recent visit to the CID headquarters, refreshments, including samosas and cakes meant for the chief minister, ended up with his security team instead. This created a controversy, as some claimed it was an "anti-government" act. The CID then launched a probe to find out how this mix-up happened and if anyone was acting on their own agenda against the government.
An official report mentioned that on October 21, three boxes of snacks were brought from Hotel Radisson Blu for the CM's visit to the CID headquarters. But these refreshments were mistakenly given to the CM’s security staff, which upset many.
In response, the BJP criticized the Congress-led Himachal Pradesh government, accusing them of only caring about “the chief minister’s samosas” rather than state development. But Sukhu defended his administration, calling the BJP’s comments a “smear campaign” to tarnish his government’s reputation.
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