India's wicketkeeper-batter KL Rahul recently spoke about a viral moment from the IPL 2024 where he had a heated chat with Lucknow Super Giants (LSG) owner, Sanjiv Goenka. This event stirred a lot of discussions in Indian cricket after Goenka was seen scolding Rahul publicly following a loss against Sunrisers Hyderabad. Many felt it was inappropriate for Goenka to interfere in the team’s matters. To ease the situation, he invited Rahul to a private dinner, but rumors lingered about ongoing tensions within the team. Eventually, Rahul was released from LSG ahead of the next season.
Talking about the incident for the first time, Rahul said his teammates were left in shock. "We were all surprised. At that point in the tournament, every game was really important for us. When that incident happened, it shocked everyone," Rahul shared on Star Sports. He added that the public scolding was not something anyone wanted to see in cricket, and it affected the whole team. They tried to put it behind them to focus on winning, but sadly, they didn’t make it to the playoffs.
Looking back at the match against Hyderabad, where LSG scored only 165 runs and he made 29 runs in 33 balls, Rahul said, "It was one of the worst games I’ve ever played." Sunrisers chased down the target quickly, and Rahul was surprised by how well they played. "It felt like every ball they hit found the boundary. It was unbelievable," he said.
Sources: Internet Sources & Twitter X
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