The Mumbai Police have arrested a man in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, for allegedly threatening Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan. Last week, police in Bandra received a call demanding ₹50 lakh and threatening Khan’s life.
The police acted quickly and started a case against the caller under serious criminal laws. They focused on a lawyer named Faizan Khan, whose phone number was used to make the threatening call. When Faizan was asked to come in for questioning, he didn’t show up, which led to his arrest.
Faizan Khan, who lives in Raipur, told the media that he had lost his phone before the call was made and had reported it to the local police. "My phone was stolen on November 2, and I lodged a complaint. I told the Mumbai police everything when they questioned me for two hours," he explained.
He added that he also made a complaint against Shah Rukh Khan because of a line from his 1994 movie "Anjaam" that he found offensive regarding deer hunting. Faizan said, "I am from Rajasthan, where the Bishnoi community protects deer. What Shah Rukh said was wrong, so I objected."
He believes the threatening call was part of a plan to frame him, stating, "It seems intentional. I think it's a conspiracy against me
Sources: Internet Sources & Twitter X
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