Director Prasanth Varma took to Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) to announce the exciting news about his latest movie Jai Hanuman. Alongside Rishab Shetty, star of Kantara, popular actor Rana Daggubati has joined the cast. Prasanth, Rana, and Rishab shared a photo together on social media with the caption, “JAI JAI HANUMAN!!” Fans are thrilled by this update, eagerly wondering what role Rana will play.
Rishab Shetty’s first look as Lord Hanuman has already been revealed, showing him holding an idol of Lord Ram. With Rana Daggubati’s addition, fans are buzzing with guesses about his role in the film, a sequel to Prasanth’s superhero movie HanuMan, which starred Teja Sajja.
Many fans think Rana might play Lord Ram, with one commenting, “Is he playing Lord Ram by any chance?” Some even suggested he could be cast as the villain, with another fan guessing, “I get it, bro…Rana is the villain.” Others wondered if Prasanth might surprise them with an unexpected casting twist, sparking even more excitement.
About the PVCU: Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe
Jai Hanuman is part of Prasanth Varma’s new cinematic universe, PVCU, which includes other projects like HanuMan, Adhira, and Mahakali. Naveen Yerneni and Y Ravi Shankar are producing Jai Hanuman under Mythri Movie Makers. While the rest of the cast is yet to be revealed, fans are eagerly awaiting more news on Prasanth’s cinematic universe, which launched this year with HanuMan, starring Teja Sajja.
Alongside Jai Hanuman, Prasanth is also directing another mystery film, while Puja Aparna Kolluru will direct Mahakali. The director for Adhira has not been announced yet.
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