Uttar Pradesh's Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath, spoke strongly against the ruling alliance in Jharkhand, which includes the JMM, Congress, and RJD. He said that they are turning Jharkhand into a “den of naxals,” referring to a place where Naxalites, who are involved in violent protests, can grow. His remarks came just after the first round of elections, where 43 out of 81 areas voted. The rest will vote on November 20.
Adityanath claimed that the Mahagathbandhan is stealing from Jharkhand while also encouraging leftist ideas, which he believes will increase Naxal activities. He urged voters to not support these leftist groups. He mentioned that early voting results showed that the BJP is likely to win and create a strong government.
He further criticized the Congress and RJD for opposing the creation of Jharkhand, which became a state on November 15, 2000. Adityanath said when Jharkhand was being made, he was a Member of Parliament, and he accused these parties of trying to mislead the people.
The BJP leader also warned against illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and Rohingya people from Myanmar, calling their presence a threat. He said that the Congress, RJD, and JMM are harming the state by allowing these groups to take land.
Sources: Internet Sources & Twitter X
Website: trendingnewsindia.xyz
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