Telugu actor Allu Arjun was arrested by the Hyderabad Police after a sad event during the premiere of his new movie, Pushpa 2: The Rule, on December 4. A stampede occurred at the Sandhya Theatre, resulting in the death of a 35-year-old woman named Revathi and injuring her nine-year-old son, Sri Teja, who had trouble breathing but is now recovering in the hospital.
Many fans showed up at the theatre to see Allu Arjun, causing a crowded and chaotic situation. The police have begun an investigation and filed a case against Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theatre management for not keeping the crowd under control.
In a strange twist, another fan, 35-year-old Harijana Madhannappa, was found dead at a different screening of Pushpa 2 the same day. Police believe he may have died due to using alcohol; they are still looking into how this happened.
Allu Arjun is now seeking help from the Telangana High Court to cancel the police complaint against him and stop any further legal actions until they make a decision. He has also promised to give ₹25 lakh (about $30,000) to help the family of the woman who died.
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