Actor Allu Arjun has been released from a central jail in Hyderabad early Saturday morning after the Telangana High Court granted him bail related to the Sandhya theatre incident. Security officers were present outside his home to ensure everything was safe.
On Friday, Allu Arjun was taken to Chanchalguda Central Jail after a court ordered him to stay there for 14 days. However, the court later offered him temporary bail on a personal bond of ₹50,000. His father-in-law, Kancharla Chandrasekhar Reddy, came to the jail to bring him home.
Allu Arjun’s lawyer, Ashok Reddy, criticized the jail officials for not following the High Court’s bail order. He mentioned that the court clearly told the jail superintendent to release Allu Arjun quickly, but they still delayed his release.
So, what happened that led to Allu Arjun’s arrest? On December 4, he and the team of his upcoming movie “Pushpa 2” went to Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad for a film screening. A big crowd gathered, and during the event, a 35-year-old woman tragically died, while her son was taken to the hospital.
Earlier, police clarified a letter circulating in the media, which requested police presence for December 4 and 5 related to the film’s release. The Deputy Commissioner of Police stated that they often get requests for security during visits from celebrities and political figures, but they cannot provide security for everyone due to limited resources.
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