The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has accused Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy of leading an attack on the home of actor Allu Arjun. This happened after a tragic stampede at the screening of Allu Arjun’s movie, “Pushpa 2,” which resulted in the death of a 35-year-old woman. The BJP claims this attack was done by the government because Allu Arjun did not support the Congress party.
BJP spokesman Pradeep Bhandari said that Revanth Reddy was upset because Allu Arjun is popular and believes in speaking freely. He pointed out that the Congress party has a history of not supporting free speech, comparing Reddy’s actions to those of former leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi.
On December 22, some people went to Allu Arjun’s house, shouting for justice for the woman who died in the stampede. They threw tomatoes and damaged flower pots. The police arrested six individuals, but a court later granted them bail.
Revanth Reddy criticized Allu Arjun, saying that he was responsible for the stampede, as the police had not allowed any events at Sandhya Theatre for safety reasons. Allu Arjun has denied the allegations and described them as an attack on his character.
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