Famous poet Kumar Vishwas sparked a big debate at a poetry event in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. He made some comments that seemed to be aimed at veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha and his daughter, actress Sonakshi Sinha, without naming them directly. He said, “Teach your kids about the Ramayana. If you don’t, one day your house may be called ‘Ramayana,’ but someone else could take your family’s wealth.” This comment caught attention because Shatrughan Sinha’s home is named Ramayana, and his daughter Sonakshi recently married Zaheer Iqbal, who is from a different religion.
Many people on social media thought Vishwas was criticizing the Sinha family’s mixed marriage. He added more by saying, “Teach your children about the characters in the Ramayana, like Sita’s sisters and Ram’s brothers. Let them read the Gita. Otherwise, even if you live in a house called ‘Ramayana,’ someone else might take away the good fortune of your family.”
This isn’t the first time Sonakshi faced criticism about her connection to Hindu traditions. In 2019, actor Mukesh Khanna upset her by pointing out her wrong answer about the Ramayana on the quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati, hosted by Amitabh Bachchan. Recently, Khanna talked about this again in an interview.
Sonakshi stood up for herself, calling Khanna’s comments unfair and accusing him of using her family for attention. She said, “Stop bringing this up to make news at my and my family’s cost.” Her father, Shatrughan Sinha, defended her by saying, “What gives him the right to judge the Ramayana? Sonakshi is a wonderful daughter, and not knowing the answer to a quiz question doesn’t make her less of a good Hindu. She doesn’t need anyone’s approval.”
Mukesh Khanna, however, defended his words, saying he just wanted to educate people about Indian culture and used Sonakshi as an example to teach, insisting, “There was no bad intention.”
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