Nitesh Tiwari’s movie, Ramayana, is one of the most exciting upcoming films in Bollywood! Ranbir Kapoor will play Lord Ram, and Sai Pallavi is set to portray Sita. There were whispers about Sunny Deol joining as Hanuman, and he has now confirmed that he is part of this project, though he didn’t say if he will play Hanuman or not.
In an interview with SCREEN, Sunny expressed that Ramayana is a big project aimed at creating stunning visuals, much like the movies Avatar and Planet of the Apes. He mentioned, “The team is clear about how the characters will be shown and the film’s overall look.” He also said the special effects will be amazing, making it feel very real, and he is confident that everyone will love the film.
Ranbir Kapoor was present at the Red Sea Film Festival in Jeddah, where he shared that he has finished shooting Part 1 of the Ramayana and will start shooting Part 2 soon. He said, “Being part of this story is a great honor for me. This film shows important parts of Indian culture, like family and relationships.” Actor Ravi Dubey will also be playing Laxman in the film.
Recently, a picture of Ranbir Kapoor and Sai Pallavi on set became very popular online and added to the excitement surrounding the movie. The film, produced by Namit Malhotra and directed by Nitesh Tiwari, will be released in two parts. The first part is set to come out around Diwali in 2026, while the second part will be released in 2027.
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