On Wednesday morning (10:25 AM IST), the shares of Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Ltd. rose by 0.59%, reaching Rs 791.40. This happened while the stock market index, Sensex, was hanging around 78142.74 points. The stock started the day low but has a 52-week high at Rs 1148.30 and a low at Rs 765.30. Up to this point in the day, around 10,487 shares changed hands.
The stock opened trading at Rs 785.95 and hit a high of Rs 794.10 and a low of Rs 784.20. The company’s price-to-earnings (PE) ratio stands at 52.69, which means investors pay this amount for every share’s earnings. The earnings per share (EPS) is Rs 15.00, and it has a price-to-book (PB) ratio of 23.03. Also, the return on equity (ROE) is Rs 34.4.
Regarding ownership, promoters own 62.4% of the company as of January 1. Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) hold 7.54%, and mutual funds (MF) own 3.56%.
The company has a market value of Rs 63,220 crore and works in various travel and tourism areas. For the three months ending in September 2024, it reported total sales of Rs 1,123.96 crore, down 4.06% from the previous quarter and no change from a year ago. Its net profit for the latest quarter was Rs 307.87 crore, which also remained unchanged compared to last year.
Looking at technical indicators, the stock has a relative strength index (RSI) of 42.29. This index goes from 0 to 100, where above 70 suggests a stock is too expensive, and below 30 indicates it might be too cheap. Analysts warn that using only this index isn’t enough to decide on buying or selling stocks; other factors should be considered, just like fundamental analysts don’t rely solely on one valuation metric.
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