Samantha Ruth Prabhu, the popular actor, has been facing health issues lately. On Friday, she shared on Instagram that she is recovering from chikungunya, a viral infection that can cause fever and joint pain. In her post, she included a short video of herself working out at the gym, wearing a purple outfit. She humorously wrote, “Recovering from chikungunya is so fun (with unamused face emojis). The joint pains and all.”
Earlier, Samantha revealed she had suffered a concussion while filming her show Citadel: Honey Bunny, where she forgot names and experienced memory loss. She expressed concern that no one helped her get medical attention at the time.
In 2022, Samantha was diagnosed with myositis, an autoimmune disease which made her very weak. She felt pressured to speak about her health publicly to promote her film, even though she wasn’t feeling her best. She mentioned that she didn’t want to go public but felt she had no choice.
Her last role was in Citadel: Honey Bunny, where she played a secret agent. The show, written by Sita R Menon and directed by Raj & DK, premiered on Prime Video on November 7 last year and also featured actors like Varun Dhawan and Kay Kay Menon
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